
vera mowry roberts

{ 1 } \ In Memoriam Vera Mowry Roberts (1913–2010) —MILLY South. BARR ANgER The diminutive adult female in the hat, known to all every bit Vera, was a behemothic in educational theatre for over fifty years. She came into our lives as a teacher, phase director , theatre historian, editor, academic administrator, church elderberry, mentor, and friend. Her confident voice, guiding and encouraging, echoes in remembrance . Her accomplishments were legion. A native of Pittsburgh, she served her country as an officer in the United States Naval Reserves during World War II, received a doctorate from the Academy of Pittsburgh, and began a teaching career in the belatedly forties in Washington, D.C. In 1950 she was one of the founders of Loonshit Phase, which augured the rise of professional person regional theatres in America. While at Arena, she married actor Pernell East. Roberts (they divorced in 1960) and their son J. Christopher was born. Relocating to New York City, Dr. Roberts joined the voice communication and theatre faculty at Hunter Higher of the City University of New York (CUNY) in 1955; she served as chair of the new Department of Theatre and Flick for ten years (1970–80). During her tenure at Hunter she wrote 2 textbooks (On Stage: A History of the Theatre and The Nature of Theatre), coedited a biographical lexicon (Notable Women in the American Theatre), and launched another phase of her career in support of professional organizations. As president of the American Theatre Association, Vera became widely known amongst her peers for her work to plant standards for degree programs in theatre and to initiate programs in support of senior citizens and women in theatre.In recognition of her piece of work,she garnered a number of honors and awards, including induction into the College of Fellows of the American Theatre, the { 2 } MILLY S. BARR Acrimony American College Theatre Festival's Gold and Silver Medallions,a Career Achievement Award from the Association for Theatre in Higher Education, and President 'due south Medals for Excellence from Hunter College and the CUNY Graduate School. Toward the finish of her life, she established a professorship and a scholarship fund in the CUNY Graduate School, where she had been executive officeholder of doctoral programs in theatre and held graduate seminars until her retirement . Despite the many demands of her profession, she never neglected her spiritual life, which sustained her at the death of her dear son. Long active in the Presbyterian Church, she became the first woman elected to Moderator of the New York City Presbytery in its two hundredth year. In 1998 she documented the history of her spiritual home, Rutgers Church building on West Lxx-third Street, in The Story of Rutgers Church. In a lifetime of meritorious efforts on behalf of colleagues and students, she fervently believed that the separation of professional person and educational theatre was a false dichotomy. From the cofounding of Arena Stage to her leadership of the Theatre and Film Department at Hunter, she persisted in her confidence that professional artists and educators merge their passions and talents in the nurture and practise of theatre as an enduring grade of art. Vera Mowry Roberts leaves the pursuit of this common goal as her legacy to future generations . ...


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